Opinion: Page 5

The latest opinion pieces by industry thought leaders

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  • A glimpse at a windfarm in Wyoming, USA.
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    Is the least populated state in the nation leading the next US energy transition?

    Wyoming is on track to become a major exporter of wind energy to neighboring states and major urban markets across the West.

    John Karakoulakis • Oct. 31, 2023
  • Electricity from solar panels, dams, and wind turbines. Environmentally-friendly renewable energy concept.
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    bombermoon via Getty Images
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    Key lessons for an economical and reliable path to a 100% clean electricity system

    While the near- and mid-term path to reach an 80%-90% clean system is relatively clear, the technological mix of the final leg is still highly uncertain.

    Derek Stenclik and Priya Sreedharan • Oct. 27, 2023
  • Solar panels and wind turbines in a field
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    imacoconut via Getty Images
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    Princeton’s Zero Lab has it wrong on corporate renewable energy procurement and emissions

    The authors disagree with Zero Lab’s core conclusion that any procurement strategy other than hourly matching will have “zero or near-zero long-run impact on system-level CO2 emissions.”

    Jake Oster, Rob Threlkeld, Chad Reed and Hannah Hunt • Oct. 25, 2023
  • An AI processor on a futuristic printed circuit board
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    AI can play a game-changing role in the clean energy transformation

    People need to be trained on how and when to use AI. Just because you can use AI to solve a problem doesn’t mean you should.

    Jeremy Renshaw • Oct. 24, 2023
  • The Cunningham battery energy storage facility in Texas seen from above
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    Courtesy of Acciona Energia
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    Battery storage boost to Texas reliability is an example for the whole country

    The rapid buildout of energy storage in Texas — increasing roughly tenfold in three years — played a key role in helping the state avoid power shortages and brownouts this past summer amid record power demand.

    Patrick Meyer • Oct. 23, 2023
  • The Faraday Future FF91 electric vehicle.
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    Courtesy of Faraday Future
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    Biogas can fuel the EV industry, if the EPA allows it

    EVs and biogas are at the intersection of renewable energy, vehicle electrification, recycling and carbon policy. One decision by the EPA can help them all.

    Heather Dziedzic • Oct. 20, 2023
  • Hydrogen H2 molecule model
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    anusorn nakdee via Getty Images
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    Let’s get hydrogen right from the start: We need a tax credit that is practical and workable

    DOE’s recent hydrogen hub awards represent tens of thousands of clean energy jobs across the U.S., which could be at risk if upcoming tax credit guidance limits the ability to scale hydrogen quickly.

    Katrina Fritz • Oct. 19, 2023
  • A rendering of an Electric Era charger charging a vehicle.
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    Permission granted by Electric Era
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    As EV cyber risks rise, careful procurement planning can prevent headaches

    Companies need to take a hard look at the cybersecurity risks in their supply chains, contract for the right protections and build their facilities securely from the ground up.

    Arjun Ramadevanahalli • Oct. 12, 2023
  • The silhouette of a high voltage power line line towers during sunset.
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    Don’t be fooled: Transmission benefits are clearer than they appear

    Federal regulators can advance transmission planning by developing a rule that “clarifies and requires evaluation of commonly accepted benefits,” writes Christina Hayes, executive director of Americans for a Clean Energy Grid.

    Christina Hayes • Oct. 12, 2023
  • The sun sets behind the photovoltaic (or solar) cells.
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    Banphote Kamolsanei for iStock via Getty Images
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    No more delays or excuses: California must build clean energy now to replace fossil fuels

    We need Gov. Newsom to sign SB 619 so that 2023 is the last year state agencies can point to insufficient clean energy generation as a reason for delaying the closure of outdated fossil fuel plants.

    Ed Smeloff • Oct. 6, 2023
  • Solar panels and wind turbines in a field
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    imacoconut via Getty Images
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    Skepticism persists around clean energy and grid reliability. Here’s how to fix that.

    The imminent retirement of dozens of coal plants is prompting new questions about the ability of renewables and storage to provide essential reliability services.

    Sara Baldwin • Oct. 5, 2023
  • Electric charging station with many electric chargers and a parking lot on a sunny day.
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    Aranga87 via Getty Images
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    What the EV industry can learn from the explosive growth of data centers

    Previous concerns about the amount of power that would be dedicated to data centers have been assuaged as the demand spread across markets and efficiency and technology improved.

    Neha Palmer • Sept. 29, 2023
  • An aerial view of a wind farm in Iowa.
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    Alena Mozhjer via Getty Images
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    Community solar is hot. Why not community wind?

    Perhaps the biggest difference between yesterday’s community wind and today’s community solar markets is in their business models, which reflect their respective market and policy environments.

    Mark Bolinger and Bentham Paulos • Sept. 27, 2023
  • Wind mills and solar panels.
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    Customer-driven clean energy procurement, not regulation, is driving decarbonization

    In 2022, voluntary renewable energy procurement deals by corporate and institutional customers were equivalent to 70% of the carbon-free energy capacity added to the grid.

    Kevin Hagen • Sept. 25, 2023
  • Utility Electrical Transmission Lines.
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    Douglas Rissing via Getty Images
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    Retail ‘choice’: A bad deal for consumers and the planet

    Data from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois and several other states confirm that families pay far too much when they sign up for alternative electric supply instead of sticking with their utility companies.

    Jenifer Bosco • Sept. 22, 2023
  • Several vehicles lined up along a curb are blurred while in the foreground a white and silver electric vehicle charger is in focus.
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    Permission granted by Enel X Way North America
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    We’re asking the wrong question about EVs and grid resiliency

    The U.S. has already passed the tipping point for mass electric vehicle adoption. Grid modernization must quickly follow, writes Chris Baker, the head of Enel X Way North America.

    Chris Baker • Sept. 19, 2023
  • Renewable Energy Image Photo
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    When it comes to government funding for clean energy, money isn’t everything

    The rush to secure billions in clean energy and infrastructure funding has the potential to be disastrous if it goes wrong.

    Anne Clawson • Sept. 18, 2023
  • Clean energy wind turbines and solar panels with a high-voltage transmission line.
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    onurdongel via Getty Images
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    Competitive power markets are cleaner, cheaper and safer

    Competitive market systems have proven more effective at driving cost-effective decarbonization than single-utility markets, all while fostering reliability and long-term planning.

    Jon Wellinghoff and Pat Wood • Sept. 15, 2023
  • transmission lines
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    Ruud Morijn via Getty Images
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    The grid needs to get together

    To transform the grid to meet the reliability and resilience needs of consumers, we must have meaningful interregional transmission policy in this country.

    Kelly Speakes-Backman • Sept. 14, 2023
  • Electrical Power Transmission Lines at Sunset.
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    Ed Lallo via Getty Images
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    FERC’s Christie raises issues that need raising about the RTO state of mind

    Recent remarks by Commissioner Mark Christie raise a valid question: What is the state of mind of RTO/ISO constructs, and can they drive an affordable, reliable and decarbonized future?

    Raymond L. Gifford and Matthew S. Larson • Sept. 13, 2023
  • Smoke stack of coal power plant
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    martin_33 via Getty Images
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    EPA’s proposed carbon rules omit both the peaker problem and the peaker solution

    The EPA completely overlooked co-located battery storage as a “best system of emissions reduction” in its latest proposal to reduce carbon emissions from fossil-fueled power plants.

    Shelley Robbins • Sept. 12, 2023
  • cybersecurity
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    Patterson, Richard. Retrieved from Flickr.
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    Security by design’s shining moment: Cybersecurity for the energy transformation

    Strategic imperatives for today’s DER ecosystem — vendors, operators, integrators and utilities — could introduce a more secure and resilient grid tomorrow.

    Danielle Jablanski • Sept. 11, 2023
  • Solar panels and wind turbines in the desert producing renewable energy.
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    narvikk via Getty Images
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    Price over performance: Why green energy is different from previous technology revolutions

    The green energy revolution won't provide the massive performance advantages seen in previous technology revolutions. Instead, it must be driven by price.

    Robin Gaster • Sept. 8, 2023
  • Pike Electric service trucks line up after a snow storm on February 16, 2021 in Fort Worth, Texas.
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    Ron Jenkins via Getty Images
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    The elusive ‘value of resilience’: Why every utility is asking for it and why it’s so hard to pin down

    A cost-benefit analysis is crucial to most utility investment filings.Without the “value of resilience” metric, such analysis falls woefully short of giving regulators the insights to make a determination.

    Mishal Thadani • Sept. 7, 2023
  • Exterior of Department of Energy building in Washington, DC.
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    Mingzhe Zhang via Getty Images
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    DOE’s error-ridden analysis on coal CCS project threatens climate and engagement goals

    Evaluating whether technologies like hydrogen and carbon capture provide more benefit than harm is a critical activity for the U.S. on our decarbonization journey.

    Emily Grubert • Sept. 5, 2023